PAS grassroots: Kit Siang ‘racist’, Dr M ‘robber’, Muhyiddin ‘homewrecker’


Selangor PAS grassroots make their apparent dislike of Harapan and Bersatu very clear.

PAS grassroots: Kit Siang ‘racist’, Dr M ‘robber’, Muhyiddin ‘homewrecker’

Selangor PAS grassroots make their apparent dislike of Harapan and Bersatu very clear.



  1. You are what you say or do ! You have just revealed your attitude or true colours. Let the moderate, educated, Intelligent, Smart & patriotic Rakyat be good Judge.
    “Pot calling the kettle black ?”

  2. I wonder who always put label to others if disagree with their opinions and ask people to shut up but not discuss or debat all the while…… what example they try to show….

  3. Being in the opposition, guns shud be pointing at bn. Why then is selangor pas pointing the gun at the opposition. Is there anything wrong? Commonsense prevail. Is there anything to do with the 90million?

  4. Can someone explain to me what is rascism? I remember ku klux klan which they lynched blacks or african americans … how about in malaysia? How donyou define rascism?

  5. Islam ajar supaya akhlak tu elok, jgn mengata memburukkan org lain..itu juga diajar dlm tarbiyah tak tahu lah kalau wala’un ni belajar tak habis, riak ujub takbur semua boleh ke dia tu pasal perasan suci kahkahkahkahkah

  6. Ha…ha.. it’s time now we be United as one bangsa Malaysia in destroying pas and umno.
    Umno baru under najib is our country’s wealth and unity destroyer. Pas is our country’s destroyer by bringing Malaysia into the stone ages where all live in caves

  7. Islamic party Pas now worships dedak more then their religion this is deception how Pas hide under Islamic party to siphon the 90 million. They are hypocrite when millions go inside their pocket everything can’t see and can’t talk about the 2.6 billions when to PM personal account.

  8. Wow very Islamic behavior ah? But this is very consistent of PAS kind of Islam, accept 90 mill dedak, rob from org Asli, refuse to help 2014 flood victims engage in violence, help the corrupt, yes welcome to Islam ala PAS.

  9. The holiest party produces such a barbaric members is very disgusting ! Instead of bringing those reputable leaders together for a harmonious Malaysia, they are just the reverse !!! Where is the ‘ pas for all ‘ ??? Penipu !

  10. Doesn’t matter. Call them whatever you want, PAS. In the coming GE14, you will be totally eliminated in Selangor. Hopefully majority of the Selangoreans will give you a big fat zero in the coming GE14.

  11. PAS Selangor should stand by their party principles by withdrawing themselves from Selangor State Executive Branch/Administration since they claimed Harapan leadership is racist, robber, traitor etc. But PAS Selangor’s action of clinging on to positions seem to show that wealth and power is more important than principles and their religious beliefs.

  12. This is a party that claimed that they are truely islamic party but in reality I don’t see any difference at all between them and UMNO..they are trapped in their own stupidity

  13. Baguihla camtu…terang sikit…baru kita tahu…islam sebenar tu macam pas ke tak…pas cerita je lebih…memang jahanamla pas…saya benci pas xsemestinya saya benci Islam…kalau pas benci DAP kerana cina didalamnya..ingat dalam BN ada MCA(cina)ingatla wahai pas…melayu islam…ko jangan ingat ko sorang je bole jadi islam kerana ko melayu…orang2 cina juga bole jadi islam…islam itu utk semua bangsa didunia…mne pemimpin pas yg kata nak saman wsj pasal 90juta…mane cakap…pasal betulla dia xbrani saman…penakut punya hadi…

  14. Just disolve PAS and and automatically make all PAS members become umno members. The whole problem will be solved. Need not main wayang . It’s too irritating the see you guys with your stupid game.

  15. 2.6billion…ermm
    GST…no problem
    Flood…yearly event
    Org Asli land…apa tu
    RM down…syukur we still aman
    Hudud…DAP anti islam/musuh melayu/pengkianat parti/ketua perompak…etc!!!! Rakyat are suffering but u(pas) acting like nothing only busy with hudud bill. TGNA this all will not happen if you still around.

  16. Jangan jangan tercekik baham dedak MO1 maka kini tiba-tiba saja jadi pelopor fitnah akhir zaman. Ini namanya makan daging saudara sendiri.
    Bila sudah jadi ular-mak, malu tiada lagi. Anak muda pun binggung dek role model yg berulat dn busuk. Sia-sia penaung hadis dn al-Qur’an, pelaung tegal Allahuakbar sbb menghina tdk diajar Nabi sw.

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