Inflation was a high 3.2 percent in January 2017, compared to last year, official data shows.
PAS: Cut GST to match rise in inflation
Inflation was a high 3.2 percent in January 2017, compared to last year, official data shows.
Inflation was a high 3.2 percent in January 2017, compared to last year, official data shows.
PAS: Cut GST to match rise in inflation
Inflation was a high 3.2 percent in January 2017, compared to last year, official data shows.
wrong!if you cut gst during inflation time, thats even making the government coffer more emptied …they arent stupid ..
in fact it would rise the GST with the excuse of control inflation, makes mroe money flows into government coffer..inflation solved ..Tadah!
If umno cancel gst or cut..rain will for 1week wihout stop..mo1 must laugh when he read this statement
PAS should cut the Rm90million donation n give the balance to mo1najib back to match his integrity n honesty to restore for the party DARE PAS RETURN THE RM90MILLION TO NAJIB !!!!
Tuan Man is either acting dumb or v ignorant of political n fiscal situations at present. It’s not Gst per se but $ stolen that causes the hardships to the rakyat. Other countries which r governed well with higher Gst doesn’t affect the higher standard living of their people but in Malusia Gst is collected so that it can be used to pay the high salaries of 1.6 million Civil servants ! One wonders where r our $ in our treasury. Najib himself stated that witiout Gst, the FG can’t pay this bloated Civil service. Pas looks like only good in pursuing religious issues but not administering the country.
If Pas leaders r sincere, the solution lies in getting rid of this ultra corrupt FG n collect back all the stolen $ esp those from 1 IMDB. These crooks should have their properties confiscated n be behind bars for a long long time ! Wake up, Tuan Man ! Hudud/ RUU355 is just Hadi’s plot to sustain MOI n keep him safe so he can continue to rob us.
Namun report gst 6% pergi ke mana tidak tahu , dan petrol akan naik 2.50 bermakna barangan keharian akan naiklah harga lagi , tapi kerajaan ada bagi brim boleh makan setahun dan petrol ada bagi 1 full tank untuk motor … apa lagi rakyat mahu ?
Pas like to talk east, talk west , talk religious, talk honor…
Mostly pas just like to talk 🐓 🐓 & smell 💵 💵 💵. .
Cakap pandai la puak pas..apa pun tarakk…
If there is no corruption there is not even a need for GST.
U expect PAS to know economy… They can’t even manage their hometown Kelantan.
PAS must be dreaming asking this uncaring n greedy Goverment to cut GST when they are so desperate for more fund and using all effort to increase their coffer .
don’t worried, got br1m
tunggu dulu lepas menang pru14 . .ada kejutan utk semua rakyatnya malaysia. bukan 6% akan dihadiahkan 10% atau lebih
Ohh! Good news Malaysians !! PASUMNO government are start their bolehwood now. I predicted the GST inflation would cut down before GE 14! And PASUMNO would claimed that “Melayu United” again before GE14!
Funny man…
Early last year, my favorite nasi lemak was RM 7.00. After 3 increases over 12 months, with the same dishes, last weekend it cost me RM 8.40… that’s 30%!
Oh ,so pas are back to earth again and realized that there’s an inflation, lol
Later kasi dedak senyap terus
If UMNO man agreed on PAS suggestion, i think world is a better place to live. But two at the same time? 1.hudud law 2.less GST. PAS is sure fail and not pass. You are dreaming
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