Pamplona’s San Fermin – More than just a Bull Run… –


The introduction of a much more family friendly fiesta in 2016 is reaping major rewards for the City Council of Pamplona with data collected from the 2018 event showed yet another year of increases in the number of people involved in the arts and activities program with more than 1.5million attending the event. As the city itself has a population of under 200,000 inhabitants this is good news for the local economy and the 2019 event is expected to once again experience growth. The largest attendances were again recorded at the massive nightly fireworks displays with an estimated 434,000 people witnessing the pyrotechnics and also at the Giants and Big Heads of Pamplona staging’s (the Comparsa de Gigantes y Cabezudos) where more than 190,000 witnessed these massive cardboard and paper mache statues, dance, walk, twirl and party in the streets of Pamplona. There are so many vibrant, exciting and participatory events at San Fermin nowadays proving it is way beyond participants remembering the event just for the Running of the Bulls.

Pamplona’s San Fermin fireworks

The municipal
campaign to raise awareness among all citizens and visitors to San Fermines in
Pamplona has been based on a more modern event with increased artistic and
cultural events, a fiesta free from sexist aggressions and crime and to instil
a more “green” basis to the entire fiesta with waste reduction and recycling
programs at the forefront.

There was, in 2018, 490 Official Acts on the Municipal
Program of San Fermines and in 2019 there are expected to be even more than
this. Naturally it would be impossible for anyone to attend all these events
and just keeping up with where all these events are located and when they are
on would prove to be a titanic task for any experienced festival goer.

Fortunately the City
Council of Pamplona have made this task much easier with the recent
introduction of an Official App for the event available on both android and iOS
and downloadable in Spanish, Basque, English and

marvellous new App will update the user accurately with:

  • The events program Check when and where events are
    taking place.
  • Giants and Big-heads. Locate the position of the “Comparsa”
    in real time.
  • What to do now? Get information on active and
    forthcoming events.
  • The “Encierro”. Do you intend to run the bulls? Get
    information on the track and be aware of the regulations and recommendations
    for runners.
  • Services. Locate all the service available to all:
    information offices, left luggage facilities, public toilets, police stations,
    first-aid posts, parking buildings, shower facilities, and much more

To ensure your full enjoyment in Pamplona for the
Festival of San Fermin and The Running of the Bulls this new App is highly recommended. There are many places
offering San Fermin Accommodation and a number of fantastic tour companies that
operate Pamplona Tours during San Fermin. If you’re planning on heading to San Fermin
this year think about downloading the awesome Official App of the City Council of Pamplona from the Google Play Store
or The Apple Store.

Last modified: March 12, 2019

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