Outrage erupts online after convicted undergrad molester escapes jail time



Forget about Xiaxue’s attempt to stay relevant in the current news cycle; there’s a bigger outrage (and one that’s actually worthy of your attention) that has taken hold across Singapore’s online landscape in the past 24 hours. 

News feeds on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms are ablaze with posts related to a sentence handed down to a young National University of Singapore (NUS) student found guilty of outraging a woman’s modesty in a train last year.

Specifically, the ire is directed at the presiding judge’s decision to slap a 21-month supervised probation in lieu of jail time. According to The New Paper, District Judge Jasvender Kaur decided that 23-year-old Terence Siow was suitable for probation due to his academic results showing that he has “potential to excel in life” and that his offences are “minor” intrusions. 


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