Otters spotted swimming in Singapore’s Central Business District


SINGAPORE: Three otters were spotted in the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District on Sunday (Oct 28), swimming in a water feature outside office building One George Street. 

There have been more sightings of otters in recent years, as the animals venture beyond parks and canals.

According to Facebook user Nel Jason Sanson, who shared a video of the CBD otters, two of the animals were seen in a water feature at about 6pm before another jumped in from the bushes. 

They appeared to tussle in the water before one jumped out, ran onto the streets and rejoined the pair shortly after. The three otters were later seen running into the bushes to hide from a crowd which had gathered. 

Otter enthusiast and admin of interest group Ottercity, Marjorie Chong, said that the three otters live along a nearby stretch of the Singapore River. They have been spotted in different locations such as Robertson Quay.

Earlier on Sunday at about 5pm, they were seen upriver and likely swam towards Boat Quay before heading up on land towards Pickering Street and One George Street, she added.

On Saturday, the same three were seen lazing along the Singapore River, according to Ms Chong.

CBD Singapore River otters

The Singapore River otters seen lazing along the Singapore river on Saturday (Oct 26). (Photo: Ottercity)

After watching the video by Mr Sanson, she said they were probably trying to find fish in the water feature.

“When one is lagging behind, the other two will wait for it,” Ms Chong told Channel NewsAsia. “Otters are very sociable animals and will often groom each other and hug one another and play-fight.”

One George Street otters play

Otters play-fight in the water feature outside One George Street. (Photo: Nel Jason Sanson)

When asked why they were seen so far into the city, she said: “My guess is, they managed to wander around because it was a quiet Sunday evening with less traffic and less people.

“Otters are equally comfortable in water and on land. They are curious and like to explore, and usually have a good sense of direction – if they are not distracted.”

READ: Can Singapore’s growing otter population continue to thrive in an urban landscape?

READ: Otters spotted at Changi Airport tarmac guided out to the beach

Ms Chong has the following advise for people who come across otters in the city:

  1. Stay a safe distance away
  2. Avoid running or chasing after them, as this could cause them to become disoriented and end up further inland or cross roads to get away
  3. Call the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) rescue hotline at +65 97837782

Ottercity, a Facebook group set up by otter enthusiasts, documents wild otters in Singapore. Families of otters have been spotted at Bishan Park, Pasir Ris Park and Marina Reservoir.

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