Online scammer gets ridiculed for broken English and unconvincing impersonation of DBS bank staff



To be fair, nobody’s expecting online scammers and swindlers to be paragons in the English language — but perhaps crafting proper sentences would help when impersonating a corporate representative. 

A woman recounted her experience with a scammer last Sunday (Sept 27) on the Complaint Singapore Facebook group, where she shared screenshots of her exchange with the other party. 

Impersonating a staff of DBS Bank, the fraudster contacted the woman on messaging app Viber (of all places) and tried to get her to do… something. The instructions weren’t exactly clear from the scammer’s side of things, making it all seem confusing and absolutely unconvincing. 

From the screenshots of the chat, it would appear that “John Michael” wanted to inform the bank customer that her account was blocked for some reason and needed to be updated. The poor grammar and incoherent messages didn’t help, though. 


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