NTUC FairPrice investigating viral video of plastic-looking and sticky chin chow


NTUC FairPrice is investigating a viral videos showing plastic-looking and sticky grass jelly that the uploader claims he purchased from the supermarket chain.

On May 12, Facebook user Sng Hock Huat uploaded a video of a packet of Tan Soon Mui grass jelly, which he claims he bought at a FairPrice outlet, that had bad texture and colour.

The video was shared widely on social media and WhatsApp, with many Stompers alerting Stomp to the clip.

In the clip, Sng says that the contents of the packet feel more like plastic than grass jelly.

“It is sticky as well. How to eat this? Chin chow is not like this,” says Sng.

on Facebook


Posted by Sng Hock Huat on Friday, 12 May 2017

On May 13, NTUC FairPrice posted a response to this video on its Facebook page.

Here is the NTUC response in full:

“Dear fans, we understand a video on a chin chow product is being circulated. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

“We take food and safety matters very seriously and we have since been in contact with our supplier for the product in question.

“We would like to appeal to the creator of the video to contact us directly through private message, email: general.feedback@fairprice.com.sg or through our hotline at 6552 2722 to aid in our investigation.

“Thank you.”

on Facebook

Dear fans, we understand a video on a chin chow product is being circulated. Thank you for bringing this to our…

Posted by NTUC FairPrice on Friday, 12 May 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017 – 19:25

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