Noose & Kakis 2… My PSLE Is Better Than Yours


The Noose is back on the big stage after their successful run in 2016! The Noose & Kakis: My PSLE Is Better Than Yours tackles one of the most hard-hitting issues in Singapore – education, through humour and jokes. Together with four of Singapore’s best stand-up comedians, you’ll be sure to have a roaring good time with the whole family. Get your tickets now at

Noose & Kakis 2… My PSLE Is Better Than Yours

After their successful run in 2016, The Noose is crossing over from TV to stage for the second time with more madcap sketches and sidesplitting jokes, as our crazy band of Noose reporters and their stand-up comedian friends tackle the bastion of Singapore’s meritocratic society – EDUCATION. With eve…
