'No right to be in Singapore': 20-year-old who threw mug at maid sentenced



SINGAPORE – A youth who flung a metal mug at his family’s domestic helper, fracturing her nose, was sentenced on Tuesday (Sept 1) to at least six months’ reformative training.

This means, Ng Jia Sheng, now 20, will be detained at a centre and follow a strict regimen that includes foot drills and counselling.

The Singaporean pleaded guilty in June to using criminal force on Ms Estabillo Soledad Agustin in 2018, as well as causing grievous hurt by performing a rash act.

He also admitted to using insulting words on the 41-year-old Filipina that caused her alarm, which is an offence under the Protection from Harassment Act.

Ms Agustin has since returned to the Philippines.

Court documents said Ng and Ms Agustin were involved in a dispute at his family home in Greenwood Avenue near Dunearn Road on June 7, 2018.

Ng had asked the maid to turn on an air-conditioner and became angry when she replied in “an irritated manner”.

The two subsequently got into an argument after Ms Agustin switched it on and threw the controller on a table.


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