New party game The Great Singaporean Sale will push you and your friends to the kiasu limits



If there’s something Singaporeans can’t resist, it’s shopping — especially when it comes to scoring a good bargain. Life’s just too short to lose out on deals, fellow countrymen. 

With kiasu-ness in mind, a group of 20-year-old creators recently developed a new not-safe-for-work card game: The Great Singaporean Sale (TGSS).

The homegrown party game is designed to mirror the farcical Singaporean trait of worshipping discounts and deals, while also poking fun at our supposed culture of doing absolutely anything for money.

In other words, it should be a riot. 

PHOTO: AsiaOne/Ilyas Sholihyn

One of the creators, Abhishek Jain, shared that the idea came to them during National Service when they “often hear NSFs talking about going the extra mile for extra cash”.

“After thinking about it, this craze for money is, in fact, more prevalent outside of camp,” he enthused. 


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