Pet-related businesses operating in Singapore will soon have to comply with some animal welfare standards.
The new Code of Animal Welfare issued by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) will come into effect on Oct 1, and is applicable to all businesses that offer pets, or goods and services for pets.
While it is not an offence to violate the provisions within the code, it can be used to support prosecution or other enforcement actions for animal welfare cases, AVA explained in a statement.
Pet businesses will be given a grace period of six months, from Oct 1, 2016 to Mar 31, 2017, to comply with the code, which was adapted from a draft submitted by the Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Committee for Animal Welfare.
“The code gives pet businesses an official guideline on their responsibilities to the animals under their charge,” Ms Tan Poh Hong, AVA chief executive officer, said.
The code comprises minimum standards on animal housing, management and care that all pet businesses are expected to comply with, as well as best practices which businesses are encouraged to adopt.
For instance, the code spells out guidelines for pet businesses in the following areas:
For all pet businesses:
1. Proper management of pet businesses – with regard to accountability of owners, record keeping, pest control and security of animals.
2. Animal housing and environment – ensures animals are housed and kept in an environment which is sufficiently sheltered, safe, clean and comfortable.
3. Management of animals – covers aspects such as diet and feeding, food preparation, provision of water, activities to promote the animals’ general well-being, and handling and transportation of animals.
4. Animal healthcare – includes health checks, keeping animals’ health records, disease prevention and provision of veterinary attention and treatment.
For specific species of pets
Minimum standards and best practices specific to dogs, cats, small mammals and birds.
A mininum standard for businesses is to ensure that cold climate dog breeds, such as Siberian Huskies or Chow Chows, are given adequate shade and good fan ventilation or air-conditioning so that their environment is kept cool and less humid.
For pet retailing
Animals kept and displayed for sale must be from legal sources, and there should be no selling of unhealthy or diseased animals.
For pet grooming
All groomerts must be adequately trained, and pet owners must be notified if an animal becomes unwell while under the care of a groomer.
For pet breeding
Proper records must be kept for breeding animals and their offspring, and all animals must be physically fit, healthy and free of disease prior to mating.
For pet boarding
All animals accepted for boarding must be identified, and their owners’ contact information made available upon request by AVA, and all animals must be provided with adequate shade and shelter.