SINGAPORE: A new speed camera system that calculates a vehicle’s average speed over a stretch of road rather than at a single point will go live along Tanah Merah Coast Road from Dec 17.
The system was installed along a 4km stretch of road in the first quarter of this year and has gone through rigorous testing to ensure accuracy and robustness, the Singapore Police Force said in a media release on Monday (Dec 10).
This is the first time such a system is being used on Singapore roads. Tanah Merah Coast Road, which has a speed limit of 70kmh, was chosen to roll out the system “because it is susceptible to speeding and illegal racing”, the police said.
“The system, comprising cameras at the entrance and exit of the enforcement zone, will detect and compute the average speed of a vehicle while it is in the zone,” the police said.
“If the average speed of the vehicle exceeds the limit for the road or for the particular vehicle (which has a specified speed limit), the motorist will be liable for the offence of speeding,” they added.
Signs will be put up ahead of and within the enforcement zone to remind motorists to comply with the speed limit.
Lamp posts on which the average speed cameras are mounted have also been painted in luminous orange to ensure that they are highly visible.
“The new ASC system will help shape the behaviour of motorists and deter speeding. Road safety is a shared responsibility. All motorists must play their part in keeping our roads safe,” the police said.

Warning sign and painted lamp posts at to notify motorists to comply with the speed limit along Tanah Merah Coast Road. (Table: Singapore Police Force)