NDP2020 Anthem Moment: Saluting our nation and unsung heroes



In a national broadcast on Jun 7, 2020, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called the Covid-19 pandemic “the crisis of a generation”.

He addressed plans to get Singapore out of this crisis but also acknowledged the exceptional spirit of unity and fortitude borne by the people.

“Many Singaporeans have stepped up during this crisis. They have become more, not less, than themselves. Healthcare workers, public officers, grassroots leaders and volunteers, and many more working quietly behind the scenes,” he said.

“These acts of solidarity and human kindness exemplify the best in us. They show how we can emerge stronger from this crisis, with a sharper consciousness of being Singaporean.”

Come Aug 9, 2020, the Public Warning System will sound a 20-second “All-Clear” siren to indicate the start of the special Anthem Moment.

As the National Anthem is played from the Padang, seven other flag-raising ceremonies will take place concurrently across the island. This event will be broadcast live on TV, radio and the NDPeeps YouTube channel.


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