N-level student overcomes pain from genetic disorder to succeed



When she was 14, doctors found that one of her kidneys was not functioning well.

Jerlyn Loh, 16, was then diagnosed with mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes.

As a result of this genetic disorder that can affect the brain and muscles, she suffers from headaches and migraines.

Sometimes, the pain was so bad that she had to be hospitalised. But that did not stop her from achieving her goals.

Yesterday, Jerlyn, who is a Normal (Academic) student at Greenridge Secondary school, collected her N-level results.

She did well enough to qualify for the Direct-Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP), but she intends to take opticianry at Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College East.

Her achievement did not come easy as her studies were often disrupted.

She said: “Sometimes, I had to be absent from school, and it could be for at least a week. The pain was so bad to the point that I was unable to move.

“But I made an effort to catch up on my studies, and my friends also collected notes for me and helped me with school work.”


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