Myanmar beauty queen 'dethroned over Rohingya video'


A Burmese beauty queen has claimed she was stripped of her pageant title over a video she made on the ongoing violence in Rakhine state, BBC reports.

Shwe Eain Si had posted the clip online last week, accusing Rohingya militants of perpetuating the unrest.

The 19-year-old Miss Grand Myanmar lost her title on Sunday when organisers announced they had revoked it.

They said she breached contract rules and did not behave like a role model. They did not mention her video, BBC says.But on Tuesday Shwe Eain Si drew a connection between the dethronement and her clip.

“Yes, Shwe Eain Si made a video about the reign of terror brought about by the Arsa militants in Rakhine state, but that was hardly qualified as a failure to project a decent image of a pageant contestant,” a statement posted on her Facebook page said, making reference to the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army.

It added that she “is obliged as a citizen of this country to use her fame to speak out the truth for her nation”.

In the graphic video, posted on her Facebook page last week, the beauty queen says Arsa’s “caliphate-style movement” attacks were “out of proportion”.

Speaking in English, Shwe Eain Si accuses the militants and their supporters of conducting a media campaign “so that harbingers of terror and violence themselves [now seem] as if they are the oppressed”.

Her video makes no mention of allegations that the Burmese military have carried out widespread atrocities against the Muslim Rohingya minority, BBC says in it’s report. The army, which has been accused of conducting ethnic cleansing, has said it is only targeting militants.

Shwe Eain Si is not the first beauty pageant winner to run into trouble in recent months.

In September the winner of Miss Turkey 2017 was stripped of her crown after it emerged she had shared a post referencing last year’s coup attempt. Competition organisers said the tweet was “unacceptable”.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 – 10:54

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