Mustapa: We should support govternmen’s action over ties with N Korea


He says Malaysians should be 100pct behind the govt on any kind of action it would take.

Mustapa: We should support govternmen’s action over ties with N Korea

He says Malaysians should be 100pct behind the govt on any kind of action it would take.



  1. At this momentum right now the people will definitely support the removal of own gov first. Whereas current spat between gov and nk.. You know all from your past and recent history way of handling cases, issue, situations resulting mostly people see as bias judgment or silence move.

  2. Your warranty of arrest will bounce back they are ready to die so do play2 they NK have reposition their missile heading to ma’sia misleading cause action call mo1 to negotiate with jamal and his hearse

  3. Basically only 49% support this corrupted regime few years back and this has dwindled since the implementation of GST, 1MDB, rising cost of living, Jamban impact and etc… you must be dreaming.

  4. Agreed. This is the question of real patriotism, and all Msians should be very united behind the Country and the Govt. Nevertheless, why in the first place Govt go and establish a Diplomatic relationship with a country like N Korea. Now we hv to deal with WMD, assassination, assassins and a mad Tyrant with nuclear capablities looking at us. On top of it unnecessary international exposure for the wrong stuff!!

  5. Why make an issue of this as politically motivated. It is a incident that can be solved G2G. Yes murder has taken. Treat it professionally and dont use this to garner support for UMNO.

  6. Just go ahead and break off diplomatic ties with North Korea. Why were we so buddy buddy with this roque country in the first place? Whose clever idea was it?

  7. Mustapa don’t be that nervous ,my heart started beating so fast . Are you trying to tell us that the possibility war or war of words is at the boiling point. Shall we rakyat pack our bags now or shall we joint the army now . Please cool down Mr minister.

  8. Sorry I begged to differ. Most bangsa Malaysia regardless of races or religions have no confidence and Trust with pdrm or the government.
    See your self what had happened in Malaysia when comes to investigations on crimes and rasuah.

  9. Why must rakyat be behind govt if govt makes wrong decision. Didn’t govt make decisions based on a few ministers ideas. Were they debated in parliament. Did the king consent.
    Learn to be answerable to your mistakes.

  10. This present govt has only got 47% support, how to ask for 100% ?
    Even in Umno/BN, you fellas were not 100%,,, tell that to the dogs lah ( literally speaking and with due respect to the canines )

  11. Mustapa – any sane Malaysian would support our Government – if it is the right thing. But pls do not ask for our support in the 1MDB suadi arabian donation, Mara corruptions, FELDA fiasco etc.

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