Stand a chance to win a $50 Sephora gift card when you purchase group tickets with SISTIC!
Group deals alert! Enjoy special discounts when you purchase the 4-ticket bundles for Mulan The Musical! Gather your friends to catch the hilarious musical comedy and stand a chance to win a S$50 Sephora gift card. Find out more here & stay tuned for the winner announcements!
MULAN THE MUSICAL 木兰少女 Advisory 16 (Some Mature Content and Coarse Language)
花样少女究竟为何代父从军?假扮男生混入军营又会闹出怎样的笑话?一代孝女花木兰从军的背后原来另有隐情?一段扑朔迷离的军中恋曲,竟是一场美丽的错误!全新古装音乐喜剧《木兰少女》改编自家喻户晓的木兰代父从军的故事,几度开创台湾华文音乐剧的人气高峰 !如今制作团队集结台湾原班人马首登狮城,由來自台湾的实力派歌手李千娜, 赖盈莹与周定纬,联手本地红星方展发与郭舒贤超强出击,打破传统方式重新演绎木兰的传奇经历,彻底颠覆传唱千年的故事!