SINGAPORE – Nee Soon GRC MP Louis Ng’s wife gave birth to twins prematurely on Thursday (Feb 23) night, and the girls, born two months early, are now in the intensive care unit at Singapore General Hospital (SGH).
Mr Ng, who is also the founder of the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Acres), wrote on his Facebook page on Thursday night that he was “feeling worried at SGH”.
“Twins have decided it’s time to come out but it is way too early,” he wrote, asking them to “fight hard”.
Mr Ng, 38, told The Straits Times on Saturday (Feb 25) that his daughters Katie and Poppy were born via emergency caesarean at 10.45pm and 10.46pm respectively on Thursday.
“Katie is doing much better, but Poppy is smaller,” he said over the phone.
Katie weighed 1.285kg at birth, and Poppy was lighter at 1.24kg.
Mr Ng on Friday (Feb 24) night shared a photo of Katie in the incubator, holding his finger.
“Everything happened so fast yesterday. Rushing home, rushing to the hospital, hearing the awful news that the twins had to be delivered, waiting for the news that the twins and my wife were okay,” he wrote.
“But everything slowed down when I held Katie’s hand and whispered to her that daddy and mummy are here and everything is going to be okay. Everything really just paused when she held on to my finger.”
The non-identical twins will likely be in ICU for another six weeks, and the first 36 hours are critical, Mr Ng told ST.
He has cancelled all his appointments over the weekend, but will be back in Parliament next week, he said.
Mr Ng has another daughter, three-year-old Ella, who was born naturally.
Asked how his wife Amy Corrigan was doing, he said: “My wife is a fighter. After the caesarean she was up and walking.”
He thanked the doctors and nurses for their work, and even managed a joke.
“At least, they are born earlier means we can have one (birthday) party for the three of them,” said Mr Ng.
Ella’s birthday is in February as well.
Mr Ng had been very excited about his twins’ arrival. On Feb 15, he changed his Facebook cover photo to one of himself with a pair of twins in Nee Soon East.
“Lots and lots of twins in Nee Soon East and I will be helping to add one more pair,” he wrote.
This article was first published on Feb 25, 2017.
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