Motorcycle goes up in flames after rider attempts stunt along Tuas Second Link


A video posted on social media shows a rider losing control of his motorcycle after performing a stunt while travelling along the Tuas Second Link on Oct 21 at around 6pm.

In the video, the rider can first be seen travelling on the right-most lane of the road.

He or she then attempted an ‘endo’, a stunt where the back wheel is lifted and the bike is ridden on the front wheel by applying brake pressure.

The rider then lost control of the vehicle while performing the stunt.

The motorcycle skidded along the road, crashed into the rear of a car in front and went up in flames.

The impact of the collision caused the motorcycle to be flung across three lanes. It then crashed into a metal barrier at the side of the road.

It is unclear what happened to the rider.

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Publication Date: 
Thursday, October 27, 2016 – 20:39
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