More rain likely in Southeast Asia in upcoming months as experts detect La Nina-like conditions


Less rain is expected to fall on Singapore for the rest of September, but wetter weather could be expected in the months ahead.

The weatherman has declared the onset of La Nina-like conditions in the region this month, after being on watch since July for the climate phenomenon that brings rainier weather to Southeast Asia.

La Nina is the “crybaby” sister to El Nino — the phenomenon usually associated with hot and dry weather in South-east Asia.

“La Nina-like conditions have been detected in the west Pacific. These include characteristic changes in the sea surface temperature, cloudiness, and winds in the tropical Pacific Ocean,” the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) of the National Environment Agency told The Straits Times in response to queries last week.

This follows a Sept 14 update by the United States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which had also concluded that La Nina conditions are present.

But the MSS spokesman noted that as La Nina events typically occur over several months, more observations are needed before a La Nina event can be declared.

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