GUJARAT – A CCTV camera caught a gang in India’s Gujarat state stealing a cow – by forcing the animal into the back of a small white hatchback car, reported the Daily Mail.
Police are now hunting for the gang of cattle rustlers who made a hasty escape after shoving the cow into their car.
A CCTV managed to capture footage of the gang as one of them grapples with the cow, twisting its neck as he forces the animal in with another man.
According to the Daily Mail, the gang homed in on their target after spotting the animal on a quiet street.
The video, accessible on YouTube, was made known to a local vigilante group who then alerted the authorities.
Police tracked the car down and arrested one man, who is now being questioned, according to the Daily Mail.
The missing cow has yet to return from its ride, and there are fears it might have become minced beef.
The Times of India says cattle rustling, known in India as “lifting”, is a worrying phenomenon that is growing. Thousands of cows roam the streets of India and are easy targets for gangs who kidnap them to sell to slaughterhouses.
See also: How many cows can you fit in a Proton Wira?
This article was first published on Oct 14, 2016.
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