MOH: VX encounter a first for Malaysia


Health ministry only read about it but never came into contact with the nerve agent before.

MOH: VX encounter a first for Malaysia

Health ministry only read about it but never came into contact with the nerve agent before.



  1. Haiya…ini VX pakai masa perang banyak kali ..tapi first time masok sini boleh terima..tapi BABI X banyak kali masok ma itu pasal u tengok ramai orang otak takda botoi..ciakap merapu

  2. what is Vx agent, our Jakim can detect pig gelatin any where ! Sent the team, they solve the problem. Health Dept wrong priorities. National security breach & still spent time looking at paint brushes.

  3. Means you read it from South Korean news and you guess it was the VX agents? Don’t simply guess it may be just a pig gelatine that haram by JAKIM which only kill the Muslim.

  4. NK framed by SK and allies, for sure this a pretext for World Power to topple down KJU and as usual, our country is the best place to workout their conspiracy like they did mh370, mh17…. bcoz we hv a dumb and corrupt administration.

  5. No any country is immune the 1st encounter of chemical or nuclear weapons.chemical warfare can come in the form of deadly diseases or nerve agent.So the 2nd encounter might wipe out the entire human race.

  6. <"This is the first time we come across VX. We never have it and only knew about it through reading," he told reporters after opening a seminar on empowering Malay traditional medicine in Putrajaya today.>

    Then this puzzle me, how our lovely DPM said Malaysia can teach others countries to counter terrorist actions where our MOH said 1st see this before?

  7. Many of us are not chemist, we don’t know what all this are, the people who should know are those in the medical profession, so from now onwards do tell the public mixing certain chemicals can be fatal, once I mix two chemicals and there was fumes and couldn’t breath and have to go to hospital for oxygen.

  8. do malaysia authorities bordor the VX nerve infection???they live in the jungle with rule of thief ???they knew only dedak money will do the job n they are thief n malaysia authorities not interested in joining force with Nk to investigate the murder case!!! wat a arrogant CROOKS MALAYSIA AUTHORITIES !!!

  9. I am just afraid that there are more innocent people contaminated during the one week after the incident and it was only detected one week later to be such a lethal nerve agent.

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