Minimum salaries for Employment Pass and S Pass holders to be raised: MOM



SINGAPORE – Companies will need to pay foreign professionals and mid-skilled workers higher salaries in order for them to qualify to work in Singapore.

The impending hike in the salary criteria for Employment Passes (EPs) and S Passes is part of adjustments to foreign workforce policies to reflect the slacker labour market conditions owing to Covid-19, said Manpower Minister Josephine Teo on Wednesday (Aug 26).

She did not give details but these are expected to be made public soon.

Currently, the fixed monthly salary threshold for EP holders is at least $3,900, and for S Pass holders, at least $2,400. The qualifying salaries are higher for older and more experienced workers.

The increase would be the second this year and comes in the wake of rising retrenchments and recent concerns about competition between Singaporeans and foreigners in the job market.

Mrs Teo announced the upcoming change in her ministry’s addendum to the President’s earlier speech, setting out its priorities for the new term of government.


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