Mindef's Budget: NSmen to get $100 vouchers when they get married or start a family


SINGAPORE – Start families or have children and get rewarded.

$100 is what national servicemen will get as part of the new Celebratory Gifts scheme, announced Senior Minister of State for Defence Ong Ye Kung at the Committee of Supply Debate On Thursday (April 7), as part of a series of Government initiatives to recognise national servicemen.

Mr Ong said: “We have been finding ways to show appreciation to our national servicemen, and those who support them – the NSman Tax Relief, NS Housing, Medical and Education Awards, Safra facilities.”

“These forms of recognition are important to let them know their sacrifices are deeply appreciated, and for the greater good of Singapore,” he added.

Other than the family celebratory gift, here’s what the Ministry of Defence will be spending some its budget on:

NS Excellence Award enhanced

The Family Recognition Voucher scheme, which will be renamed NS Excellence Award, will be enhanced from April 1.

More NSmen will be awarded for their good performance during In-camp Trainings (ICTs) and NS courses as the number of those who will be rewarded will increase from top 10 per cent to top 30 per cent.

The top 10 per cent will receive $200, while the next 20 per cent will receive $100.

Enhanced insurance coverage

Each serviceman will be covered for $150,000 in group term life and in group personal accident insurance.

This will cover all incidents during full-time NS and operationally-ready NS activities, Mr Ong said.

Better SAFRA facilities

It was earlier announced that the new SAFRA Punggol club will be completed in April 2016.

Mr Ong said he had visited the clubhouse and believes it will “serve the 82,000 NSmen and their families living in the North-east region of Singapore well”.

New NS Mark accreditation scheme

This scheme recognises organisations supportive of NS and Total Defence, and encourages more employers and businesses to adopt human resource practices that support NSmen.

Under the scheme, organisations will be awarded either the NS Mark, or the more prestigious NS Mark (Gold).


Publication Date: 
Thursday, April 7, 2016 – 15:47
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Mindef's Budget: NSmen to get $100 vouchers when they get married or start a family
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