MCCY announces new Commissioner of Charities


SINGAPORE: Dr Ang Hak Seng will be appointed Commissioner of Charities-designate on Jan 2, 2017, the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) announced on Friday (Dec 16). He will replace Mr Low Puk Yeong, who will step down as Commissioner of Charities (COC) on Jan 16, 2017.

Mr Low, the current COC, was first appointed in 2006. Under his leadership, the charity sector strengthened its standards of governance and enjoyed greater public confidence and support for charitable giving, said MCCY.

He worked with the Charity Council to progressively strengthen the code of governance to encourage the adoption of good governance standards and best practices to promote self-regulation in the charity sector, the ministry said.

Mr Low will also step down as senior director of Registry and Cooperative Societies and Mutual Benefit Organisations (RCS). 

Dr Ang’s appointment as COC will be made official on Jan 16. He will also take on two other appointments: Executive director-designate at RCS and deputy secretary-designate at the helm of Singapore Cares, a national movement to foster a more caring and inclusive society.

Dr Ang is currently Chief Executive Director of People’s Association. He was appointed in April 2013, after serving as a grassroots leader in Yuhua and in South West Community Development Council for 15 years, said MCCY.

Deputy chairman of the PA board of management, Minister Chan Chun Sing noted that Dr Ang has made enormous contributions to PA as chief executive director.

“Under his leadership, PA strengthened its engagement with Singaporeans from diverse backgrounds to weave the social fabric of our nation; helped the Government to close the last mile in communicating government policies to residents in a simple and personal way; and helped to communicate the people’s feedback to the Government for more responsive policies. I thank Dr Ang for his many contributions to PA,” said Mr Chan. 

Brigadier-General Tan Kok Ming Desmond will fill Dr Ang’s position at the PA. He is currently the Chief of Staff (General Staff) of the Singapore Armed Forces.

BG Tan will be appointed PA’s chief executive director-designate on Jan 2, and his appointment will be made official on Jan 16.

BG Tan Kok Ming Desmond. (Photo: MCCY)

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