Man who used to hire chauffeur for his Lexus explains why he regrets buying a car in Singapore in now-viral post



Hiring a chauffeur to drive you around in a Lexus? Not many Singaporeans would relate to that experience at all, especially at the tender age of 19. 

Local entrepreneur Gabriel Wong, however, did just that. But as he recounted in a now-viral Facebook post, getting a car in Singapore in the first place has been “one of [his] worst decisions”. 

The marketing agency founder expressed his regret in purchasing a Lexus sedan nearly 10 years ago, which he first bought when he was 19 years old. This was even before he had a license to drive it, but after finding some success in business, he bought the car and hired a driver because he “wanted to look like a baller”. 

Wong went on to share how much he spent having private transport every month. He estimates that he could have more than $500,000 in liquid assets if he had saved on the price of the car, road tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, parking and the salary of his chauffeur, which he employed for two years. 

At one point of time, the same car was towed away in front of his then-girlfriend when he was not able to pay for it during a bumpy business period. 


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