Man tried to rape tourist in hotel just months after serving 14 years behind bars



SINGAPORE – A man reoffended barely five months after serving 14 years behind bars when he tried to rape a tourist in her room at Hilton Singapore hotel.

After fleeing from the hotel in Orchard Road, Isa Ahmad followed a second female tourist into a lift at the nearby Tang Plaza later that day and robbed her of her mobile phone.

The 54-year-old Singaporean pleaded guilty on Wednesday (Oct 23) to one count each of robbery and attempted aggravated rape.

The court heard that Isa had earlier been convicted of multiple counts of robbery.

In June 1994, he was sentenced to eight years’ corrective training (CT) and 12 strokes of the cane for the offences.

CT is a prison regime for repeat offenders without the usual one-third remission for good behaviour. The maximum period is 14 years.

He continued committing robbery after his release and was last sentenced in October 2002 to 14 years of preventive detention (PD) with the maximum 24 strokes of the cane.

PD is only for repeat offenders who are above 30 years old. Compared to CT, PD involves a longer period of incarceration, lasting up to 20 years.


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