We can’t even begin to imagine how much practice this guy had to do.
A Japanese student has just broken the Guinness World Record for the most finger snaps in a minute.
Satoyuki Fujimara snapped his fingers 296 times in one minute, on Tantei! Knightscoop, a Japanese TV show, in the presence of a Guinness judge.

Judge Kaoru Ishikawa, along with two professional sound engineers, later reviewed the footage and made sure that only audible clicks made using Fujimura’s thumb and middle finger would be included.
The snaps are pretty darn impressive, but his expressions are even more priceless.
Fujimura said he learnt the finger snapping technique from his mother when he was a teenager.

The previous record was set by Sweden’s Jens Gudmansen in 2009, with 278 snaps per minute.
In 2014, American Eli Bishop had set the record for the most claps in a minute – with 1020 claps.
That’s only about a thousand more than we can manage.
Read the full article here.
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