Man gets his family to don uniforms of food delivery services for viral Hari Raya greeting



For Muslims in Singapore, celebrating Hari Raya Puasa has been more than a little different this year, what with the coronavirus outbreak preventing everyone from having big family gatherings outside their own household. 

Gone too are the usual sight of families out and about dressed in traditional, colourful baju for the occasion. The vibrancy of the festivities is definitely not lost on one local family though, whose outfits for Hari Raya were striking hues of red, yellow, robin egg blue, pink, and green. 

Essentially, the colour palette of various food delivery services operating in Singapore. Well, except Honestbee — the beleaguered start-up ceased its food delivery service here last year after facing financial troubles. 

But don’t let that technicality bother you. Here’s an assembly of food delivery riders performing a fun festive shout-out in their uniforms, sparkling like they could be collected and fitted onto an Infinity Gauntlet.


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