A sentry found him unconcious in a cell, but when medical help arrives, it was too late.
Man found dead in Hulu Selangor lock-up
A sentry found him unconcious in a cell, but when medical help arrives, it was too late.
A sentry found him unconcious in a cell, but when medical help arrives, it was too late.
Man found dead in Hulu Selangor lock-up
A sentry found him unconcious in a cell, but when medical help arrives, it was too late.
Too many died in police lock up.
Why always happen like this?
Another license to kill
Another death at lockup?
This is getting out of hand!
do malaysia want to set up RCI to probe custodial death ??? yes or no or just ignore???
Abolish prisons and the police!
Too many died in lock ups!
Ow!another death..scary.
It seems that most the those detainees who died in lock up is Indian (sorry..No offence ). This is really getting out of hands…
What was he remanded for? Sad!
Worse than death penalty.
AGAIN??!!! Strange MIC has been quite for so long
Hope he didnt knock his head against the wall
Looks like no end to this episode.
Lockup Death or Mysterious Epidemic .
Confirmed Indian is police preferred punching bag in custody. It shows that our authority head all haywire
To dumb to comment MIC
How many million ringgit to fix video camera with recording units in police lockups? Must be made compulsory in interrogation rooms!!!
Why every time Indians
Same story and it happens so regularly
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