Man falls from 4th floor of Orchard Gateway


SINGAPORE – A man fell from the fourth floor of Orchard Central on Friday (Feb 24) afternoon.

(An area where a man landed is seen cordoned after he fell from the fourth floor in Orchard Central, Feb 24, 2017. Photo: Casandra Wong/TODAY)

Four passers-by rushed to help and attempted CPR on the man.

(Video: Alvin)

The Singapore Civil Defence Force said they were alerted to the incident at around 4.05pm, and the man was conveyed to the Tan Tock Seng General hospital.

CPR was administered to the man by an SCDF paramedic as the ambulance was enroute to the hospital.

Facebook user Jenny Chue posted a photo on her account, one showing a blood stained floor surrounded by broken debris.

(A blood stained floor is seen surrounded by debris in Orchard Central, after a man fell from the fourth floor, Feb 24, 2017. Photo: Jenny Chue/Facebook)

Investigations are currently ongoing. 

(A  notice is seen along a walkway in Orchard Central, after a man fell from the fourth floor, Feb 24, 2017. Photo: Casandra Wong/TODAY)

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