Man divorces wife of 45 years over her obsession with cats



The court has recently granted divorce to a 70-year-old Singaporean retiree after his wife’s sudden obsession with cats drove him out of their home in 2006.

Growing feline collection: How it began

The couple had been facing problems since 1997, stated District Judge Sheik Mustafa on May 21, and had been estranged from each other for 15 years.

According to reports, the husband was said to have tolerated his wife’s cats for almost a decade.

The 67-year-old woman developed a cat obsession after dreaming of her late mother who told her to be kind to the cats, the husband said.

Believing that looking after them was her only way to “cross into Paradise”, she would go around feeding stray cats and bring them back home.

“This feline collection created quite a nuisance. The cats roamed around the home freely. They were not toilet-trained and would urinate and defecate indiscriminately,” Judge Sheik Mustafa noted.


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