Man carried by British baroness says he is 22, not 46


PETALING JAYA: The “46-year old married man” carried by Michelle Mone, Baroness of Mayfair in Vietnam is actually a 22-year-old real estate agent.

This was reported by The Daily Mail, which added that the woman who yelled from the front row of a conference for entrepreneurs for Nguyễn Tấn Phát to be put down is in fact not his wife.

The article carried a translation of a Facebook post by Nguyễn, who is also known as Robert, who refuted a comment made by the baroness that he had yellow teeth that were possibly caused by smoking.

“I don’t have a wife or lover and I’ve never smoked,” said Nguyễn, who had approached the 44-year old baroness after she finished a talk in Ho Chi Minh City where she addressed an audience of 3,000 at the National Achievers Congress.

Nguyễn also said that he was only 22 years old and not 46 as reported, and posted a photo of an identification card as proof of his age.

The baroness, who is the founder of British lingerie brand Ultimo Brands International, was approached by Nguyễn who presented flowers to her when she was on stage.

She accepted the flowers and then picked him up to pose for a photo together, thinking he was a child.

British news site The Mirror had reported that the man’s wife immediately asked the lingerie tycoon to put her husband down.

Baroness Mone also told The Daily Mail that “the guy was fine with it and the whole room was screaming with laughter”.

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 – 09:02
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