Man calls the cops on customers 'gathering' at bar table outside Boat Quay restaurant



Following reports of illegal social gatherings at Robertson Quay last month, one restaurant in neighbouring Boat Quay has been slammed online after being accused of breaching circuit breaker regulations.

But the men accused of congregating at their establishment were simply customers waiting for their food, Sahara Bar & Restaurant told AsiaOne on June 2.

The men drew flak online after a Facebook user, one Richard Ang, posted photos of them in front of the restaurant in Boat Quay with their masks pulled down on May 31.

Two of the men appeared to be engaged in a conversation while standing at a bar table, one of them holding an unidentified beverage in his hand.

In his post, Ang claimed that he had walked past the group of men at 7.50pm. They were still at the restaurant when he passed by again at 8.55pm, he added.


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