Malaysian hanged in Singapore for drug trafficking



SINGAPORE – A Malaysian, Abd Helmi Ab Halim, was hanged at Changi Prison after having been convicted of drug trafficking in 2017.

The execution that took place yesterday and was confirmed by Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) advisor, N. Surendran.

Abd Helmi, who was 36, was arrested on April 9, 2015, and was sentenced to death for trafficking in 16.56g of diamorphine (pure heroin) on March 24, 2017.

Abd Helmi’s plea for clemency was rejected in July.

His counsel, Mohamed Muzammil Mohamed, said Abd Helmi had asked him to help bring his remains home.

“There is a plan to bring his remains to his kampung in Johor. But nobody from the family has contacted me, ” he said.

Three days ago, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Liew Vui Keong, urged Singapore to show mercy to Abd Helmi, saying it is unjust and disproportionate for drug mules to be sent to the gallows.

“Justice must be tempered with mercy and I implore Singapore to do so, ” he said adding that to eradicate drug trafficking, it is the kingpins who must face the full brunt of the law.


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