Malaysian driver assaults chauffeur after cutting lane at Customs and hitting his car


The driver of a Malaysia-registered Nissan turned aggressive and allegedly hit a chauffeur who was driving a family back from Singapore to Johor Bahru.

Facebook user Vivian Ngee, whose family was the one being ferried across the Malaysian Customs from Tuas Checkpoint, shared photos of the incident.

She said that the Nissan driver, with licence plate number ER929S, had hit her chauffeur’s car after cutting into their lane from the motorcycle lane.

on Facebook

NISSAN TEANA 车牌 ER929S 路霸,在从tuas checkpoint 出 malaysia custom的路这位路霸先生走motor lane 吃进我们的路撞到我们的车了,还敢下车捉我们的司机下车打,还自称自己是马来西亚人,真丢脸(司机只是下车跟他说他架的是公司车,他就直接打人了)

Posted by Vivian Ngee on Saturday, 14 October 2017

“He got down his car and caught our driver and made him exit the car to fight. He even called himself a Malaysian, so disgraceful.

“Our chauffeur only alighted the car to tell him that he was driving a company vehicle, but the Nissan driver simply hit him.”

According to Vivian, the chauffeur was hired to drive her family from Changi Airport back to their home in Johor Bahru.

She hopes that her post will help the chauffeur and his company in making a police report, and adds that her whole family witnessed the incident too.

Monday, October 16, 2017 – 11:16

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