Malaysia rolls out red carpet as Saudi king kicks off Asia tour


King Salman will witness signing of deal between Petronas and Saudi Aramco.

Malaysia rolls out red carpet as Saudi king kicks off Asia tour

King Salman brings his own escalator and two vehicles for the trip.



  1. Aiyah! Saudi gave US2.6 billions you fellow made noise & this time Saudi King may give more US 26 billions ??? So pls don’t pour cold water on Burning Oil, our ciuntry need the Donation badly. You know, maybe more ppl will get BR1M including you guys. So pls don’t critiselah. Idiots & Sooil the Suop!

  2. So this is a big news for me and you is it ? Put the food on our table while this fellows wants us to give them a standing ovation in the name of bringing progress to the country .
    What do you think we should do ?
    The media should be covering something to put food on our table not about this as..h.s basking in their glory at our expense .
    When will the foolishness in our countrymen ever change ????

  3. Should we as rakyat put a banner every corner in the country , thank them for the 2.6 billion donation that directly goes into prime minister private bank account ?

  4. ‘Santa Clause’ is coming to town might be going to splash another Rm2.6bil. donations or the Grant Crook is ‘leasing'(not selling as claimed) some of nation’s assets to ‘Santa Clause’ this time???

  5. These guys have lost touch with reality…they behave like Gods. I counted today and it was 60 police motorbikes for police used as they passed an empty road in jalan duta. Car were just told to wait and the wait was 25 mins…..i saw at least 10 s class mercedez and suv radio jammers, 3 ambulance…i still dont know how any of these guys benefit me…the man on the street

  6. Saudi Arabia makes USD15b NET per month from oil. Their cost is the cheapest in the world of us$10/barrel. All the royal members and their ministers are protected by the USA since decades ago. Most of the large new townships development and construction have been done by American contractors. Following this protectorate practice are UAE and Qatar. Brunei royals are British protected. God had blessed Saudi Arabia with oil and endowed her with a Messenger. And she rose to fame with the Renaissance of Science, the spiritual power that God had released with the appearance of the Messenger. It’s duration of validity last almost a millennium, till the early 18th century when this religion had been mired with impurities (clouds of personal whims : sharia laws) by the leaders. Since then, the truth had been eclipsed; the believers have been disunited, fighting and wars have never rested since. Why, when and how …. find out.

  7. With the visiting of Saudi king it might help to top up our country revenue to cover up 1mdb sink hole. But the problem is that during this few days our Kelantan peoples will try to act as if they’re Arabian by wearing Arab dresses. Behave yourself PAS .

  8. Hope PM will do it again this time to get even more donations from Arab, everyone trust him! Our country is in need of more funds as you can see, oil prices up, GST on many more business sectors, reduced subsidies on sugar, oil, education, hospitals etc. So let the PiM do it..

  9. Tis conforms tat najib is one of them wahhabis. Tat king is a zionist!! He has killed so many innocent Syrians and works wth america israel and russia. Najib has sold rakyat Msia and has enslaved us all. Do u really think Msia is still a democratic country?? If so then why we cant even hold a ceramah or a gathering without kena tangkap?? Police are supposed to work for d rakyat not against d rakyat!! Has anyone realise d pendatangs d jaga more than d rakyat?? Najib creates d problems, then he scares d rakyat wth d problems so he can enforce more of his rules on d rakyat so d rakyat will b bodoh and ikut kata sahaja.

  10. From where did the king knows this guy aka mo1 is s pious Muslim, who tells him that he fear God , no one right, so all the infos he had pertaining him is fraudulent

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