Lowest number of daily new Covid-19 cases in 6 months



SINGAPORE – There were 18 new coronavirus cases confirmed as at Thursday noon (Sept 17), taking Singapore’s total to 57,532.

This is the lowest daily figure since March 16, which had 17 cases.

Thursday’s new cases included one community case who is a work pass holder, said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

There were also two imported cases, who had been placed on stay-home notices upon arrival in Singapore.

On Wednesday, MOH reported that People’s Park Complex and People’s Park Centre were visited by Covid-19 patients while they were infectious.

The malls were added to a list of places visited by community cases during their infectious period. The visits were made on Sunday.

Two new cases in the community were reported on Wednesday.

Both patients are work permit holders, and were detected from rostered routine testing of workers in the construction, marine and process sectors who stay outside dormitories. They tested positive on Tuesday.


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