Local firm develops remote visitor-logging system for condos



When a visitor’s car rolls up to Glendale Park condominium in Hillview, what greets the driver is a speaker carrying the voice of a security guard located in a remote command centre in Ubi, nearly 20km away.

Meanwhile, the vehicle’s licence plate number is recorded and the driver’s face is captured on a surveillance camera.

After verifying the particulars of the visitor with a resident, a gantry lifts and the driver is allowed into the private residence.

Developed by local security firm Focus Security and its sister company Asiatact over five years, the remote visitor-logging system is currently in place at four condominiums here.

The technology comes as the industry is being urged to move away from a reliance on manpower, to a system that integrates manpower and technology.

The security industry, which has more than 35,500 active resident security officers, is facing increasing manpower costs after the Manpower Ministry rolled out the Progressive Wage Model for security officers this year.


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