Letter from the Editor: You can now read more news and faster on AsiaOne



Are you a fast and voracious reader?

AsiaOne’s newsroom and engineers have together created a new feature that offers you all our stories at a glance, in an easy-to-digest format.

Newslite is a one-stop feed that serves you not only the headlines but the key points from every article.

In today’s connected world, there is an information overload that traditional consumption habits cannot maximise.

Newslite attempts to bridge what you need to know with your limited amount of time.

No more spending precious minutes on a long story.

No more opening multiple pages.

No more clickbaits.

You don’t have to know speed reading or other fanciful techniques to browse Newslite – it makes you a speed reader by default.

If you wish, you can filter the newsfeed by categories.

If you want to know more, the full article is just a click away.

Furthermore, what makes Newslite more revolutionary is the artificial intelligence behind it.


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