Let people judge if I’m ‘arrogant’, says Muhyiddin after royal rebuke


Muhyiddin Yassin finds it strange that the Johor ruler thinks he is arrogant only after he is no longer deputy prime minister.

Let people judge if I’m ‘arrogant’, says Muhyiddin after royal rebuke

Muhyiddin Yassin finds it strange that the Johor ruler thinks he is arrogant only after he is no longer deputy prime minister.



  1. When he claimed he’s Malay first he was trying to please Malays but now found out all Malays dislike him. A lesson for all those who use racial or whatever segregation to win support.

  2. arrogant or not I don’t know, not an issue anyway if you can lead the country like the late lee kuan yew, he was most arrogant.

    you are malays first,and not malaysians, how can u be a leader of a country anyway ??? ,👎👎👎

  3. He is indeed arrogant by prioritizing Malays n Not Malaysians ! While announcing history as a compulsory subject in spm at umno assembly , he didn’t even consult Malaysians on his decision ! He cannot be the ideal leaders of Malaysia but Melayu only !

  4. When U was the DPM,U had power n cashs your malay macai prayed n treated U as king n god. Now wthout power n cash, the same ppls that U benefited, fight for their ketuanan dislike U,fitnah U n judged U as arrogant. Now U tasted the feeling of bitterness that U throwed at other races when U was the umno deputy president n DPM of the country. God will punish anyone for their wrong doing just in a matter of time.

  5. Yes indeed you are arrogant when you were still the DPM, Muhyiddin (especially with your Malay first, Malaysian second statement previously). Have you forgotten that?

  6. Tan Sri, this a fact of life, you claim you are Malay first when DPM, now you feel the pinch, god is great and who knows, maybe after GE14, you, nobody, already 70 yrs old. Retire and look after grand children.

  7. Accept it when you are down, you don’t have the bargaining power now. What the ruler of Johor is trying to highlight you is country first, malay second. Is almost similar but opposite version against yours.

  8. I agreed with the Johor ruler.
    Yes you are arrogant.
    At least someone has told you this on your fat face!!!!!!
    This is a lesson for all politicians who play the race and religion game.
    It is your own kind that will screw you up and we see it happening to you now.
    KARMA has its way of coming around.
    Remember Malaysia is NOT for one race or one religion.
    We are multi raced and multi religion.
    Respect ALL.
    Never play the race or religion card for your political benefit.

  9. All these comments of hatred..shame on u.. At least he has the guts to stand up.. He is a better person than u people who only know how to criticize..what have u people done for ur country..to talk is very easy…do u people who have all these hatred in u can be better than him????the answer is NO…

  10. muhyiddin is a game changer for malays in johor as well as TUN M in Kedah n the arrogant should be mb khalid with such graft case in properties he is everything to cover up !!!even his electoral frauded he silented

  11. He is not the good leader for the country especially he is not willing treat himself as Malaysian first , as country leader shall bring good example to the public for showing that he is the fair and equal country leader for all Malaysian but from this matter all Malaysian especially non malay able to judge his capability .

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