Last John Little store to close by end 2016


SINGAPORE — Amid challenging times for retailers, department store John Little will cease operations at Plaza Singapura – its last remaining store – by the end of this year, with the brand to evolve into a pop-up format, details of which will be announced next year.

“The Robinsons Group made this decision after evaluating the relevancy and sustainability of the John Little brick-and-mortar business. John Little will instead evolve as a brand into a pop up format, which is in line with the global trend for retail businesses,” said the Robinsons Group in a media statement issued on Friday (Nov 4).

This closure is part of the consolidation efforts to focus on businesses that are growing within the Robinsons Group, and re-channel resources to bring in new brands and shopping concepts.

Staff affected by the closure had been briefed and the company is in the midst of deploying them to other suitable businesses within the Robinsons Group, which manages Robinsons, John Little and Marks and Spencer. It is owned by the Dubai-headquartered Al-Futtaim group, which had said earlier this year that it would shut 10 stores as it restructured its Singapore operations.

Last year, outlets closed included the Marks and Spencer outlet at Centrepoint, John Little at Marina Square and Tiong Bahru Plaza, and some Royal Sporting House outlets.

John Little Plaza Singapura will be holding a moving out sale until it closes on Jan 2 next year.

Meanwhile, a Plaza Singapura spokesperson said the mall is currently in discussions with a number of retailers that have expressed interest to take over the 38,000-square-foot space on the first level.

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