Koreans debate if 'La La Land' foresaw President Moon Jae-in's win


Koreans have been debating if colors from an unlikely source predicted President Moon Jae-in’s win on Tuesday.

After the release of the election results on Wednesday, a still from the 2016 film “La La Land” attracted much public attention for its use of colors.

People suggested that the still, which showed Mia (Emma Stone) getting ready with her friends to go to a party, accurately depicted the result of the election.

They said the colors of the dresses that the actresses are wearing in the scene matches the colors of the parties of the candidates.

The colour blue represents the Democratic Party of Moon Jae-in, while green represents the People’s Party of Ahn Cheol-soo, red for Hong Joon-pyo of the Liberty Korea Party and yellow for Shim Sang-jung of the Justice Party.

In the photo, Mia, wearing a blue dress, walks down the road in a dignified manner while her friends, clad in green, red and yellow outfits, are bystanders.

Twitter user @nia _dukhoo expressed one’s surprise saying, “The big picture of ‘La La Land’!” Twitter user @Fenrir5231 joined the trend saying, “Looking back, ‘La La Land’ was a film which predicted the future.”

Some pointed out the absence of the representation of Yoo Seung-min of Bareun Party with @kim10000mul offering “They don’t have light blue” — the colour which represents the party.

Twitter user @tretre_ suggested that it may become an inspiration for broadcasters for the next election coverage saying “SBS won’t use it for the next presidential/general election, will it?”

SBS, one of the three major broadcasters in Korea, has been lauded at home and abroad for parodying HBO’s “Game of Thrones” for its election coverage.

Friday, May 12, 2017 – 11:29


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