KLIA2 declared safe after sweep for toxic materials


The sweep operation was carried out from 1.45am to 3am, says Selangor police chief.

KLIA2 declared safe after sweep for toxic materials

The sweep operation was carried out from 1.45am to 3am, says Selangor police chief.



  1. 《“KLIA2 is a safe place,” declared Selangor Police chief Abdul Samah Mat after the sweep operation from 1.45am to 3am by the Police Forensic Department》

    Most people with common sense know it is clean, or else there will be more people sent to hospital. It been 14 days la dude!!

  2. after so many days only then they do it? And read some where, the substance that killed that poor chap, will evaporate in few hours once expose in the air.

  3. hahahaha – apasal tak buat awal sedikit ?
    – takde orang buat report
    – hazmat team sibuk
    – tunggu arahan
    – perkakas tengah under maintenance
    – pegawai pergi kursus
    – pegawai cuti bersalin
    – pegawai [pergi lawatan sambil belajar

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