Kamehameha Rise, a little-known location in Singapore, lets you live out your Super Saiyan dreams



Admit it – there was a time when your childhood dream was to become the strongest super-powered being in the world, like the Hokage in Naruto, the greatest Pirate King in One Piece, one of the Avengers members in the Marvel universe, or the Super Saiyan from the Dragon Ball series.

Of course, such moments would later prove to be a passing fanboying/fangirling phase, serving as a reminder of good, old nostalgia, and the great influence of fictional narratives.

As it turns out, a building in Singapore actually allows you to live out your heroic fantasies…well, sort of.

Named Kamehameha Rise, this small piece of land lies along the quiet terrain of Mount Sinai Drive, and is home to one Ridgewood Condominium.
PHOTO: Google MapsHere’s the thing: the name might not mean much to most folks.

“Kamehameha” is a pretty long word, after all, and looks to be brought together by a bunch of gibberish-sounding syllabi.


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