K-pop trainee's remarks on transgender women spark criticism


K-pop trainee Han Seo-hee has been blasted for her comments on transgender women.

Earlier this year, Han was indicted for smoking marijuana with Big Bang’s T.O.P. The trainee, who calls herself a feminist, said on social media Saturday, “I do not consider transgender women as ‘real’ women, not even biologically.”

Han elaborated on her thoughts, saying most transgender women have stereotypes on what being a woman is about and that she does not agree with it.

Many criticised Han for her comments. Singer Harisu, the first transgender celebrity in Korea, also responded by firing back, “I feel sad for this person’s character and behaviour.”

Han responded to critics Monday by revealing a screenshot of a chat with her friend. In the revealed conversation, she said, “In Korea, everything that I say becomes a big deal. I don’t want any attention, not anymore.”

인스타그램을 시작하면서 페미니즘에 관한 게시물들을 많이 올렸었는데요 몇몇 트렌스 젠더 분들,그리고 트렌스 젠더가 아니신 분들께서 저한테 다이렉트 메세지로 장문의 글을 많이 보내셨습니다. 내용을 간략하게 줄여보자면 “트렌스 젠더도 여성이니 우리의 인권에 관한 게시물도 써달라” 였어요. 흠 하지만 전 트렌스젠더는 여성이라고 생각하지 않습니다. 생물학적으로도 여성이라고 생각하지 않습니다. 고추가 있는데 어떻게 여자인지..나원..저는 ‘여성’분들만 안고 갈겁니

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 – 20:00

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K-pop Transgender


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