K-live Sentosa is the first dedicated hologram theatre in Singapore that feature…


K-live Sentosa is the first dedicated hologram theatre in Singapore that features the K-pop stars. It is a new attraction of Resort World Sentosa where both audiences and performers are able to interact together through hologram technology. As a permanent stage, K-live Sentosa provides the K-pop fans all around the world with daily opportunities and much convenience to experience the vivid performances of their K-pop stars whenever they want. Tickets are available through SISTIC at http://www.sistic.com.sg/events/klive0216 now!



  1. This is what I sent to the customer service just 5min ago (and have to disappoint my girl and I am sure many of us are in the same situation)…..not that I expect any response or anything to change because of a lack of competition and SISTIC has already earned their profits. At the minimum, SISTIC … know that you guys suck!!!
    This is ridiculous that logging in online even at 9am sharp to book the Got7 tix resulted in an hour-long wait of loading that eventually returned a message that website is not responding. And then heading down to the Sistic Counter at The STAR right at opening resulted in receiving a soldout answer. If not for the virtual monopoly you guys have, there is simply no transparency on how the tix were sold and worse, you simply do not value your customer’s time. This is bullsh*t.

    I would be fine to accept a soldout message from the onset, but even clicking the book now button when it turned resulted in an unsuccessful outcome…..you guys definitely need to be more transparent and accountable. If your website cannot handle the volume then figure out a better way. There is wisdom why people still wait in-line since it makes for a more transparent way of allowing the sale of tix.

    I wonder what creative excuses will you guys provide to all your customers. Problem when you have lack of open competition.

  2. is it true that people bought the tickets (fan meeting) at the Sistic counters? I have been trying to get to buy since 9am!! I thought the tickets can only be bought thru Internet today??

    p/s – I called the hotline to complain and of course, cant get thru. I have submitted my complaint thru the website and i expect a very good reason. If it’s stated that tickets are for sale thru the internet channel, stick to it.

  3. Hi all, we apologize for the difficulties encountered in purchasing tickets earlier today due to the heavy web traffic experienced with the sale of K-Live. All 70 tickets to the 23rd February Launch Party with GOT 7 Mini Fan Meeting were snapped up quickly and the promoter has gotten back to us that no more tickets will be sold for this. Tickets for other dates are still available, so do make your purchase! Please do let us know if you encounter any issues again.

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