Judgment reserved on Law Society's application to disbar Lee Suet Fern over role in Lee Kuan Yew's will



SINGAPORE – Was Mrs Lee Suet Fern playing the role of lawyer or daughter-in-law in handling her father-in-law Lee Kuan Yew’s will in 2013?

This was the question at the centre of arguments made by lawyers representing the Law Society and Mrs Lee on Thursday (Aug 13) in the disciplinary hearing before the Court of Three Judges.

The Law Society argued that Mrs Lee had acted as Mr Lee’s lawyer, having received instructions from him and acted on them, and also cutting out his usual lawyer, Ms Kwa Kim Li, in the preparation and execution of the will.

In doing so, she had taken on the responsibilities of his lawyer, and so an implied retainer arose, said the society’s lawyer, Ms Koh Swee Yen from WongPartnership.

Also, there was clear conflict of interest, as her husband, Mr Lee Hsien Yang, the younger son of Mr Lee and brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, was a beneficiary of the will, she added.


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