Johor prince slams hate campaign in bicycle tragedy


Attempts to go ahead with the protest this morning against the driver ended with arrests.

Johor prince slams hate campaign in bicycle tragedy

Attempts to go ahead with the protest this morning against the driver ended with arrests.



  1. “Statements by the police as well as the deputy home minister give the picture as if the children are at fault based on the shallow excuse asking why are the children cycling in large numbers at 3am.

    “But no one asks what is a 22-year-old woman driving alone at 3am? said Zuklifli, whose comments were published on far-right portal Ismaweb.

    The woman probably came back from night shift work at 3am idiot Zulkifli Nordin!!!

  2. Now it’s d time d authorities to look for those who play n try to start d fire…We hope Johor police r more capable than d KL/ Selangor n Penang ones…where many vey heavily political party “sponsored” hatred fanning n intimidators were let off d hook umpteen times…The parents seem like no remorse at all but instead let d fire-starters doing some cooking n brewing…look like basikal rempit gang r protected n hailed as heroes just like that Low yat thief…

  3. Menjunjung kasih Tuanku!

    As for the kids, i think a stern reprimanding would suffice. Educate them why it’s not safe to do what they’re doing now. I hope no jail for them, it’ll be too harsh for these kids.

  4. Go read the malay fb page.. Almost all demanding the lady to be knows name and charge for banging the kids… Malaysian need to get their head correct than just solely on race first.. The kids belong in school and highway is not for bicycle.. Parents condemning the driver only shows how purely incapable they are becoming parents.. Ignorance one and irresponsible.. Are these kids parents dare to come out and admit to its theirs mistake and fail as parents? So others parents learn and feel the same way so to give the kids more attention and education in school..

  5. I have high regards for this Johor prince.His father and mother must be very proud to have him as their son.His words of wisdom have meanings and we all Malaysians must emulate his thinking.Do not make this accident into a racial political game for the end result will not bear fruits.Instead of blaming others why not look at yourselves to see what you have done or should have done.Blaming others for your sins is not going to reverse the situation.Learn from this and move on even if the heart is still painful.
    Politicians with hidden motives please stay out.If you cannot contribute anything good do not make the issue worse.

  6. Judge/analyse every right and wrong in reverse if we want to see things without racial perspective.

    What if it’s a Malay lady driver and 8 Chinese kids?

    What if the earlier Peugeot lady incidents involved were a Chinese lady holding a steering lock screaming at a Malay uncle?

    What if in Penang it was 2 Malay young men harassing and 2 Chinese city council enforcers?

    When you reverse all, you will be able to see it better. But of course. Racist will still be racist. When reverse then will side their own kind again…

  7. Congrats Tunku! You continue to stay above racial divide and be the Tunku for ALL, you will continue to be respected and loved by ALL your subjects. I hope you will actively lead to fight against racism and religious bigotry in Johor to make Bangsa Johor a model for the rest of Malaysia.

  8. This is the problem with malay attitude. If you ask me who is right. I will say that poor woman. Not because she is young n not marry yet but she is driving on her right lane, she not drunk, she has driving license, valid roadtax, she not speeding up to 120km/h and she is not insane but normal. On the other hand, the boys are riding bicycles against direction, on the road track, in a group, at night, 2 am, parents dont care, still below 18, past record shows the activity has taken place many years. I had 3 kids. They all grown up. I will make sure they come back home before maghrib. I ll make sure they hv valid license to ride or drive. I make sure they go to sleep before 10.00 pm. Incident had happened. Take it as lesson from God to us. If police want to arrest, arrest their parents. They did not play their parents role to protect the rights of their children. The childrens are still young. They not matured enough. They need guidance from their father n mother. Parents will be question by almighty God. What do you want to answer to Him

  9. What are they protesting? To be allowed to cycle on the road at 3am? The road is for cars not bicycles. Leave the lady alone. Let the court decide in due course. Mind boggling 😇

  10. There is absolutely no nexus between this incident to any race. Purposely inciting racial disharmony is irresponsible and shows an utter bankruptcy of intellectual capability. Enough of racial rhetoric la. Together Malaysians stand strong. No more racism please

  11. The Prince is right, my car also almost hit these kids sometimes ago near the same area. They not only danger to themselves but also dangerous to other motorists. I hope us Johoreans will never make any accident as racial issue.

  12. It seems political hands are everywhere. Other countries start working once the government is set up and chosen by the people. They serve for the people and the nation. Here political activities round up the year. After GE, we have the branch election, then the division election and the numbers never last. Once elected, do and serve the people and the nation not for your own pocket. Its disgusting.

  13. The parents can take the case to court. So why wait with blame game. Let the court decide. What I can’t understand why is there a need for the drivet to ram into the children on the road, even if it was a dog or cat, I will avoid it. I could only speculate either the all the children were blocking her way or the car driver lost control of the car due to sleepy or drunk. So guys do not to go for demonstration. Lets the court decide. No one can stop the case being hestf in the court.

  14. “But no one asks what is a 22-year-old woman driving alone at 3am?”

    You think we live in ISIS or Saudi Arabia? What kind of Nimrod asks such a retarded question. Ismaweb do drag out the dregs of society.

  15. Poor lady driver has to endure this trauma for the rest of your life. Emotional and psychological trauma that u may encounter; nobody will know and understand. Nobody on earth will like to be in your situation now except some who likes to blame and condemn. You are still very young and I hope you can go through this strongly and live your life positively. May god bless u!
    For the 8 children who died in the accident, may you all rest in peace. Sad to see/ hear such tragic news especially as a parent. Hope the parents of the children be strong too. God bless!

  16. Some people say it’s murder. I say it’s natural selection, they knew the risk of riding it on a highway made specially FOR CARS. So an accident may happen no matter what the time. Some people just play the racial card just because she is chinese -_-

  17. Daulat tuanku!!
    No point promote hate by using racial card. Guilty or not its to be judge in court of LAW.
    Not by people trying to promote hate. And pressure authority’s by organising protest strike!

  18. Here the story go. 1 day there is group of kids playing fire in a house. Eventually the house catching fire n these kids killed. N there was a bunch people around with no common sense condemn the fire caused the dead of these kids. Logically we know playing fire is dangerous. So it is parents responsibility to tell their kid don’t play with fire. It is parents responsibility to monitor their kids activities. It is parents responsibility to punish their kids n get them a lesson. If parents don’t take ur kids , God will take responsibility

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