Johor Chief Minister defends visit to Malaysia vessel anchored in Singapore waters


JOHOR BAHRU: Johor Chief Minister Osman Sapian on Thursday (Jan 17) defended his decision to visit a Malaysian vessel anchored in Singapore waters, adding that his actions have been supported by grassroots leaders.

His “unauthorised visit” to the Pedoman vessel on Jan 9 resulted in a decision by Singapore to postpone joint ministerial committee talks on Iskandar Malaysia.

According to a report by the Malay Mail, Mr Osman said he was unfazed by the criticisms.

“In fact, I received a few messages and a video via Whatsapp from several Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia division leaders and ketua kampungs (village chiefs) that gave their support to me,” he said.

“Maybe in the next few days, there will be more people that will give their support to me on the issue,” he said after attending an international Islamic and halal festival.

Collage Osman Sapian visits Pedoman

Composite image showing Johor Chief Minister Osman Sapian visiting Malaysia Marine Department vessel Pedoman. (Photos: Singapore Police Force)

The chief minister added that he had received “unofficial blessing” from Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah and his deputy before visiting the vessel.

“They did not stop me at all from visiting the area,” he said, according to the Malay Mail.

He noted that he was not only Johor’s Chief Minister, but also the chairman of the state’s security council. His role in the council required him to personally understand the maritime dispute, said Mr Osman.

Singapore and Malaysia have been embroiled in an airspace and maritime dispute. 

READ: Singapore, Malaysia maritime dispute: A timeline

READ: Singapore, Malaysia airspace dispute: What we know and timeline

Malaysian government vessels have made repeated incursions into Singapore territorial waters in recent months, after Malaysia extended the Johor Bahru port limits in October, encroaching into Singapore territorial waters off Tuas.

Singapore has protested the port limit extension and the movements of the vessels. Singapore’s Transport Ministry also extended Singapore’s port limits off Tuas on Dec 6 in response.

On Jan 8, both countries agreed to establish a working group to study and discuss legal and operational matters relating to the maritime dispute, in order to provide a basis for further discussions and negotiations. 

However the next day, Mr Osman was seen making “an unauthorised visit” to the Pedoman, in “a provocative act” that went against the spirit of the agreement by both countries to resolve bilateral issues in a calm and constructive manner, said Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Over the weekend, Malaysian Minister for Economic Affairs Azmin Ali met Singapore ministers to discuss bilateral issues.

READ: An open, candid talk on issues: Dr Balakrishnan on meeting with Malaysia Economic Affairs Minister

On Monday, Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan said in a ministerial statement in Parliament that both sides must act in “good faith” to overcome bilateral issues.

Mr Osman’s “publicised visit” undermined the goodwill and trust necessary for further cooperation between the two countries, and “made it untenable” for Singapore and Malaysia to proceed with the joint ministerial committee talks for Iskandar Malaysia, Dr Balakrishnan added.

“We will always take appropriate measures to safeguard our interest and any country dealing with Singapore must not assume that it is cost-free to embark on any adventures or antics against us. There will be consequences,” he said when responding to a question on what further action Singapore could take if there are further intrusions.

Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen also said in Parliament on Tuesday that while Singapore’s security agencies have the capability to compel intruding Malaysian government vessels to leave, they have been ordered for the time being to “exercise restraint and avoid escalating tensions”.

On Wednesday, Mr Azmin told Channel NewsAsia that the momentum of bilateral ties is “very positive”.

Mr Azmin noted that there were “issues that we have to deal with”, but he did not want “a particular statement by any side” to derail the main objective of both governments.

Mr Saifuddin also said on Wednesday that that bilateral relations remain good despite the need for further discussions on several matters. 

“Our relations with Singapore remain good. There are some issues but we are talking to each other, and that is very important. 

Meanwhile, Johor Information, Entrepreneurship Development, Cooperatives and Creative Economy Committee chairman Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali, who was also at the Islamic festival, lauded Mr Osman’s visit as a patriotic move.

“What the Johor Mentri Besar (chief minister) did was for the love of the state, country and also its sovereignty,” he said on Thursday, adding that there was no provocation.

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